Investment Objective
To generate returns through investments in sovereign securities issued by the Central Government and/or State Government.
However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.
Category of Scheme
Quant Gilt Fund
Type of Scheme
An open ended debt scheme investing in government securities across maturity.
Inception Date
Lock in Period
Minimum Application Amount
For new investor, INR 5000/- and any amount thereafter
For existing investors, INR 1000/- and any amount thereafter
For Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), the minimum amount is INR 1000/- and in
multiples of INR 1/- thereafter.
Benchmark Index
CRISIL Dynamic Gilt Index
Load Structure
Entry Load – Nil
In terms of SEBI Circular No. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 4/168230/09 dated June 30, 2009, no entry load will be charged on purchase / additional purchase / switch-in.
The commission as specified in the aforesaid circular, if any, on investment made by the investor shall be paid by the investor directly to the Distributor, based on his assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the Distributor.
Exit Load –
Asset Allocation Pattern
Under normal circumstances, it is anticipated that the asset allocation shall be as follows:
Indicative allocations (% of total assets)
Risk Profile
Governmnet securities across maturities
G-Sec ETF across maturity
Other Debt Securities and Money Market Instruments
Pursuant to SEBI circular no. SEBI/IMD/CIR No. 13/150975/09 dated January 19, 2009, the Scheme shall make investment in / purchase debt and money market securities with maturity
of up to 91 days only. The cumulative gross exposure through debt securities and money market securities/ instruments will not exceed 100% of the net assets of the Scheme. The Scheme
retains the flexibility to invest across all the securities in the debt and Money Market Instruments. The Scheme may also invest in units of debt and liquid mutual fund schemes.
Investment in Derivatives – up to 50% of the net assets of the Scheme. Investment in derivatives shall be for hedging, portfolio balancing and such other purposes as maybe permitted from time to time.
Fund Manager
Mr.Sanjeev Sharma, Mr.Harshvardhan Bharatia
Plans Available
Regular Plan and Direct Plan.
Options Available
Monthly option and quarterly option
Applicable NAV
The Switches would be done at the Applicable NAV based prices and the difference between the
NAVs of the two options will be reflected in the number of Units allotted.
Risk Factors
Quant Capital Finance and Investments Private Limited is not liable or responsible for any loss or shortfall resulting from the operation of the scheme.
Investment strategy
The scheme will have minimum investment of 80% of total assets in government securities
across maturity and balance amount can be invested in other debt and money market
instruments. Money Market instruments includes (but not limited to) Commercial Paper,
Commercial Bills, Certificates of Deposit, Treasury Bills, Bills Rediscounting,
Triparty Repo, Government securities having an unexpired maturity of less than 1
year, alternate to Call or notice money, Usance Bills and any other such short-term
instruments as may be allowed under the Regulations prevailing from time to time.
The Scheme could invest in fixed income securities issued by central and state government
in line with the investment objectives of the Scheme and as permitted by SEBI from
time to time. The AMC will seek to underwrite issuance of Government Securities
if and when permitted by SEBI/RBI and subject to the prevailing rules and regulations
specified in this respect and may also participate in their auction from time to
time. With intent to limit undue risk, rigorous credit evaluation of the securities
proposed to be invested in, will be carried out by the AMC. The credit evaluation
includes a study of the operating environment of the company, the past track record
as well as the future prospects of the issuer, the short as well as longer-term
financial health of the issuer. The AMC may consider the ratings of Rating Agencies
as approved by SEBI to carry out the functioning of rating agencies. In addition,
the macro economic conditions, including the political, economic environment and
factors affecting liquidity and interest rates shall be taken into consideration.
Further, the Scheme may invest in other schemes managed by the AMC or in the Schemes
of any other Mutual Funds, provided it is in conformity with the prevailing Regulations.
The scheme may undertake repo transactions in corporate debt securities in accordance
with the directions issued by RBI and SEBI from time to time. Such investment shall
be made subject to the guidelines which may be prescribed. The Scheme may use derivative
instruments like Interest Rate Swaps, Interest Rate Futures, Forward Rate Agreements
or other derivative instruments for the purpose of hedging, portfolio balancing
and other purposes, as permitted under the Regulations. Hedging using Interest Rate
Futures could be perfect or imperfect, subject to applicable regulations.
Usage of derivatives may expose the Scheme to certain risks inherent to such derivatives.
It may also invest in securitized debt. For the present, the Scheme does not intend
to enter into underwriting obligations. However, if the Scheme does enter into an
underwriting agreement, it would do so with the prior approval of the Board of the
AMC/Trustee. The portion of the Scheme‟s portfolio invested in each type of security
may vary in accordance with economic conditions, interest rates, liquidity and other
relevant considerations, including the risks associated with each investment. The
Scheme will, in order to reduce the risks associated with any one security, utilize
a variety of investments.
Subject to the Regulations, the securities mentioned above could be listed, unlisted,
privately placed, secured, unsecured, rated or unrated and of varying maturity.
The securities may be acquired through secondary market operations, private placement,
negotiated deals, etc. qMML may, from time to time, review and modify the Scheme‟s
investment strategy if such changes are considered to be in the best interests of
the unitholders and if market conditions warrant it. No assurance can be given that
the fund manager will be able to identify or execute such strategies.
Statutory Details: Quant Mutual Fund has been established as a Trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, sponsored by quant Money Managers Limited (liability restricted to Rs. 1 Lakh). Trustee: quant Capital Trustee Limited.
Investment Manager: Quant Money Managers Limited (the AMC)
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