Investment Objective
The primary investment objective of the scheme is to provide capital appreciation by investing in equity and equity related instruments including derivatives and debt and money market instruments. However, there can be no assurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized, as actual market movements may be at variance with anticipated trends.
Category of Scheme
Dynamic Asset Allocation
Type of Scheme
An open ended equity scheme predominantly investing in large cap stocks
Inception Date
Lock in Period
Minimum Application Amount
For new investor, INR 5000/- and any amount thereafter
For existing investors, INR 1000/- and any amount thereafter
For Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), the minimum amount is INR 1000/- and in multiples of INR 1/- thereafter.
Benchmark Index
NIFTY 50 Hybrid Composite Debt 50:50 Index
Load Structure
Entry Load - Nil
Exit Load - 15 Days / 1% Effective From August 11,2023
Asset Allocation Pattern
Under normal circumstances, the asset allocation pattern will be as follows
Indicative allocations (% of total assets)
Risk Profile
Equity & Equity related instruments
Very High
Debt and Money Market Instruments, including Units of Debt oriented mutual fund
Low to Medium
Foreign securities including ADRs/GDRs/Foreign equity and debt securities
The Scheme does not intend to invest in securities with Structured Obligations or Credit Enhancements. The Scheme does not intend to invest in debt instruments with special features in line with SEBI Circular no. SEBI/HO/IMD/DF4/CIR/P/2021/032 dated March 10, 2021.
#Although the gross debt and money market instruments related exposure may seek investment opportunities in foreign securities including ADRs / GDRs / Foreign equity and debt securities subject to the Clause 12.17 of SEBI Master Circular for Mutual Funds and any other circulars issued from time to time. Such investment shall not exceed 35% of the net assets of the Scheme.
The Margin may be placed in the form of such securities / instruments / fixed deposits / cash / any other form of deposit as may be permitted / eligible to be placed as margin from the assets of the Scheme. The securities / instruments / deposits so placed as margin shall be classified under the applicable category of assets for the purposes of asset allocation.
@ Excluding subscription money in transit before deployment / payout
$ Any other security as may be permitted by SEBI/ RBI, subject to approval from SEBI / RBI as required
*Exposure to the Securitized debt (excluding foreign securitized debt), if undertaken, would not exceed 20% of the debt portfolio of the Scheme.
The investment pattern stated above is indicative and may be changed due to market conditions. The proportion of the scheme invested in each type of security will vary in accordance with microeconomic & macroeconomic conditions, interest rates, and other relevant considerations. These instances may be beyond the control of the fund manager & the AMC and hence may require such deviations. Such changes in the investment pattern will be transitionary in nature and will be undertaken as defensive considerations only in accordance with SEBI circular dated March 04, 2021. Defensive considerations may be determined by the fund manager and in case of deviations on account of exogenous factors, the fund manager will endeavor to rebalance the Scheme within 30 calender days from the date of such deviation. The intention being at all times to seek to protect the interests of the Unit holders. The risks associated with each investment are an important factor as well. The net assets of this scheme shall predominantly be invested as per the investment pattern stated above.
In the event of any deviations from the mandated asset allocation as mentioned above due to passive breaches, portfolio rebalancing will be carried out by the AMC/Fund Manager within 30 business days of the date of the said deviation. This rebalancing will be subject to prevailing market conditions and in the interest of the investors. In case the rebalancing is not done within the specified period of 30 business days, the matter would be recorded in writing and shall be placed before the Investment Committee. The Investment Committee shall record the reason in writing leading the reason for falling the exposure outside the asset allocation and if so desires, the Committee shall extend the timelines upto 60 (sixty) business days from the date of completion of mandated rebalancing period of 30 business days in line with SEBI Circular SEBI/HO/IMD/IMD-II DOF3/P/CIR/2022/39 dated March 30, 2022.
Fund Manager
Mr.Sandeep Tandon,Mr. Ankit Pande, Mr.Sameer Kate,Mr.Varun Pattani, Ms.Ayusha Kumbhat, Mr.Yug Tibrewal, Mr. Sanjeev Sharma
Plans Available
Regular Plan and Direct Plan.
(The Regular and Direct plan will have a common portfolio)
Options Available
1. Growth Option and 2.IDCW The IDCW option has the following facilities: (i) IDCW
Reinvestment Facility. (ii) IDCW Pay-out Facility. Default Investment option is
Growth Option. For the IDCW option, the default facility will be IDCW Reinvestment.
Applicable NAV
The NAV applicable for purchase or redemption or switching of Units based on the time of the Business Day on which the application is time stamped
Risk Factors
For detailed scheme/securities related risk factors, please refer to the Scheme Information Document
Investment Strategy
- The Scheme will dynamically allocate its net assets to equity and equity related
securities and debt instruments.
- The portfolio construct of the Scheme will be dependent on various factors such
as the prevailing market conditions, economic scenarios, global events as deciphered
using our VLRT Investment Framework and Predictive Analytics.
- The equity exposure is thus dynamically managed and is increased when various factors
are favourable towards equity as an asset class or is brought down when the factors
are not favourable.
- The scheme’s philosophy is detailed below as per VLRT Investment Framework and Predictive
Analytics The scheme utilizes the VLRT Investment Framework to generate alpha by
identifying sectors and securities at their inflection points, enabling sector rotations,
early identification of potential outperformers and constructing a dynamic portfolio
between equity and debt.
- The framework is composed of four elements: Valuation Analytics, Liquidity Analytics,
Risk Appetite Analytics and Timing, with 1/3 weightage given to the first three
components. This approach allows for superior risk management and better timing
of investments.
- Our fund managers specialize in one component of the framework and investment decisions
are made through a focused discussion between managers with diverse capabilities
and experiences.
- Since September 2019, the fund managers have been using a Dynamic Style of Money
Management, adapting the investment strategy based on the current market environment.
- They also use market timing indicators as a risk mitigation strategy. This approach
to investing ensures diversification and safeguarding of investor wealth by studying
and investing in multiple asset classes, including equity and debt.
- Subject to the Regulations, the corpus of the Scheme can be invested in any (but
not limited to) of the following securities: Equity and Equity related instruments,
Debt securities (including securitized debt) and money market instruments, Derivatives,
foreign securities including ADR/GDR/Foreign equity and overseas ETFs / mutual fund
units, Repo in Corporate Debt, securities lending, Mutual Fund units including ETFs.
- Money Market instruments includes (but not limited to) Commercial Paper, Commercial
Bills, Certificates of Deposit, Treasury Bills, Bills Rediscounting, Triparty Repo,
Government securities having an unexpired maturity of less than 1 year, alternate
to Call or notice money, Usance Bills and any other such short-term instruments
as may be allowed under the Regulations prevailing from time to time.
- The portion of the Scheme’s portfolio invested in each type of security may vary
in accordance with economic conditions, interest rates, liquidity and other relevant
considerations, including the risks associated with each investment.
- The Scheme will, in order to reduce the risks associated with any one security,
utilize a variety of investments. The Scheme may also invest in ADRs / GDRs / Foreign
securities/ Foreign Debt/ overseas ETFs Securities / mutual fund units as permitted
by Reserve Bank of India and Securities and Exchange Board of India. Subject to
the Regulations, the securities mentioned in “Where will the Scheme invest” above
could be listed, unlisted, privately placed, secured, unsecured, rated or unrated
and of varying maturity.
- The securities may be acquired through Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), secondary
market operations, private placement, rights offers or negotiated deals.
- The Scheme may also enter into repurchase and reverse repurchase obligations in
all securities held by it as per the guidelines and regulations applicable to such
transactions. Further the Scheme intends to participate in securities lending as
permitted under the Regulations. Investment in overseas securities shall be made
in accordance with the requirements stipulated by SEBI and RBI from time to time.
Statutory Details: Sponsor: quant Capital Finance & Investments
Private Limited
Investment Manager: quant Money Managers Limited. CIN: U74899MH1995PLC324387
For Further Details :-