Investment Objective
The primary investment objective of the scheme is to achieve long-term capital appreciation
for its investors. This objective will be pursued by strategically investing in
a diversified portfolio of equity and equity-related instruments. The selection
of these instruments will be based on a quantitative model meticulously designed
to identify potential investment opportunities that exhibit the potential for significant
capital appreciation over the specified investment horizon. There is no assurance
that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized.
Category of Scheme
Type of Scheme
An open ended equity scheme following momentum theme
Inception Date
20th November, 2023
Minimum Application Amount
For new investor, INR 5000/- and any amount thereafter For existing investors, INR
1000/- and any amount thereafter For Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), the minimum
amount is INR 1000/- and in multiples of INR 1/- thereafter.
Benchmark Index
Load Structure
Entry Load - Nil
Exit Load -15 Days / 1%
Asset Allocation Pattern
Under normal circumstances, the asset allocation pattern will be as follows
Indicative allocations (% of total assets)
Risk Profile
Equity and Equity related instruments
Very High
Debt & Money Market instruments*
Low to Medium
Foreign Equity and Equity related instruments and Overseas ETFs
Very High
Units issued by REITs & InvITs
Very High
The Scheme retains the flexibility to invest across all the securities in the debt
and money markets as permitted by SEBI / RBI from time to time, including schemes
of mutual funds. The Scheme does not intend to invest in securities with Structured
Obligations or Credit Enhancements. The Scheme does not intend to invest in debt
instruments with special features in line with Clause 4.4.4 of Master Circular dated
May 19, 2023. The investment pattern stated above is indicative and may be changed
due to market conditions. The proportion of the scheme invested in each type of
security will vary in accordance with microeconomic & macroeconomic conditions,
interest rates, and other relevant considerations. These instances may be beyond
the control of the fund manager & the AMC and hence may require such deviations
only with the prior approval of SEBI. Such changes in the investment pattern will
be transitionary in nature and will be undertaken as defensive considerations only
in accordance with Clause 1.14 of SEBI Master Circular dated May 19, 2023. Defensive
considerations may be determined by the fund manager and in case of deviations on
account of exogenous factors, the fund manager will endeavor to rebalance the Scheme
within 30 calendar days from the date of such deviation. The intention being at
all times to seek to protect the interests of the Unit holders. The risks associated
with each investment are an important factor as well. The net assets of this scheme
shall predominantly be invested as per the investment pattern stated above.
Fund Manager
Mr.Sandeep Tandon, Mr.Ankit Pande, Mr.Sameer Kate, Mr.Sanjeev Sharma
Plans Available
Regular Plan and Direct Plan.
(The Regular and Direct plan will have a common portfolio)
Options Available
1. Growth Option and 2. IDCW The IDCW option has the following facilities: (i) IDCW
Reinvestment Facility. (ii) IDCW Pay-out Facility. Default Investment option is
Growth Option. For the IDCW option, the default facility will be IDCW Reinvestment.
Applicable NAV
The NAV applicable for purchase or redemption or switching of Units based on the time of the Business Day on which the application is time stamped
Risk Factors
FFor detailed scheme/securities related risk factors, please refer to the Scheme Information Document
Investment strategy
1. Thematic Momentum Strategy: Our investment approach revolves around a thematic
quantitative momentum strategy and therefore, our investment thesis aims to forecast
the expected return using momentum attributes and auto-correlations to optimize
the risk-return trade-off of our portfolio primarily derived from our Multi-Dimensional
Research. We recognize that momentum strategy depends on time scale and can vary
across different time scales, ranging long term to medium term, medium term to short
term and short term to near term. Our active strategies continuously search for
opportunities within these different time frames, enabling us to capitalize on our
momentum strategy effectively.
2. Screening Process: To identify promising stocks within our investment universe,
we employ a screening process based on our VLRT framework's scoring methodology.
Each stock is selected by the statistical significance of the risk exposure and
the conditional expected return based on generalized t-statistics. Our risk mitigating
investment framework VLRT combines Valuation Analytics, Liquidity Analytics, Risk
Appetite Analytics and other risk factors derived from financial statements and
macro-economic data. Stocks are evaluated based on these complex scoring criteria
in a dynamic environment to determine their suitability to generate superior risk-adjusted
3. Portfolio Construction: We employ a completely systematic approach to portfolio
construction, grounded in our rigorous multivariate models, which are equipped and
tech enabled to quantify the expected return using our ‘Predictive Analytics’ tools,
along with incorporating other anomalies including both dependent and independent
macroeconomic variables. The portfolio type selection depends on the strategy's
imposed constraints and desired risk attributes. Some available options include
market-neutral portfolios, equal-weighted portfolios, sector-constrained cap-weighted
portfolios, Risk-Parity portfolios, Maximum Sharpe Ratio optimization portfolio
are just a few examples. We will also capture the acumen of Black-Litterman model
which combines investor views and market equilibrium to improve asset allocation
decisions in portfolio management by optimizing the expected riskreturn trade off
of our portfolio while ensuring skewness to our momentum strategy. In conclusion,
our investment strategy combines rigorous quantitative methodologies, risk-based
analysis, and systematic portfolio construction to achieve optimal investment returns.
By capturing risk-factors and employing scientific research, we aim to provide our
investor’s with valuable insights and deliver long-term investment success.
Statutory Details: Sponsor: quant Capital Finance & Investments
Private Limited
Investment Manager:quant Money Managers Limited. CIN: U74899MH1995PLC324387
For Further Details :-