Investment Objective
The primary investment objective of the scheme is to generate consistent returns by investing in a portfolio of Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap companies. The AMC will have thediscretion to completely or partially invest in any of the type of securities stated above with aview to maximize the returns or on defensive considerations. However, there can be noassurance that the investment objective of the Scheme will be realized, as actual market movements may be at variance with anticipated trends.
Category of Scheme
Flexi Cap
Type of Scheme
An open ended dynamic equity scheme investing across large cap, mid cap, small cap stocks
Inception Date
Lock in Period
Minimum Application Amount
For new investor, INR 5000/- and any amount thereafter
For existing investors, INR 1000/- and any amount thereafter
For Systematic Investment Plan (SIP), the minimum amount is INR 1000/- and in multiples of INR 1/- thereafter.
Benchmark Index
Load Structure
Entry Load - Nil
Exit Load -15 Days / 1% Effective From August 11,2023
Asset Allocation Pattern
Under normal circumstances, the asset allocation pattern will be as follows
Indicative allocations (% of total assets)
Risk Profile
Equity and equity related instruments
Very High
Debt & Money Market instruments
Low to Medium
Foreign Equity and Equity related instruments and Overseas ETFs
Low to Medium
Units issued by REITs & InvITs
very High
The Scheme retains the flexibility to invest across all the securities in the debt and money markets as permitted by SEBI / RBI from time to time, including schemes of mutual funds.
Overseas Investments: Under normal circumstances the Schemes shall not have an exposure of more than 35% of its net assets in foreign assets/securities/instruments including ADRs / GDRs, subject to applicable regulatory limits.
Trading in Derivatives: To optimally manage portfolio risk, the Scheme may use various derivative instruments and hedging products in a manner permitted by SEBI.
The scheme may take exposure to derivative instruments up to 100% of net assets.
Fund Manager
Mr.Sandeep Tandon, Mr.Ankit Pande, Mr. Lokesh Garg, Mr.Varun Pattani, Ms.Ayusha Kumbhat, Mr.Sanjeev Sharma
Plans Available
Regular Plan and Direct Plan.
(The Regular and Direct plan will have a common portfolio)
Options Available
1.Growth Option and 2. IDCW
The IDCW option has the following facilities: (i) IDCW Reinvestment Facility. (ii) IDCW Pay-out Facility. Default Investment option is Growth Option. For the IDCW option, the default facility will be IDCW Reinvestment.
Applicable NAV
The NAV applicable for purchase or redemption or switching of Units based on the time of the Business Day on which the application is time stamped
Risk Factors
For detailed scheme/securities related risk factors, please refer to the Scheme Information Document
Investment Strategy
The Scheme will invest in a portfolio of Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap companies
in line with the investment manager’s views on the macro economy with a particular
focus on the sentiments of the market participants through the interpretation of
quant Money Mangers’ predictive analytical tools and macro indicators.
The emphasis will be on identifying companies with strong sustainable competitive
advantages in good businesses and having sound managements. The fund managers will
follow a dynamic investment strategy taking defensive/aggressive postures depending
on the overall risk-on / risk-off environment. In a risk-off environment, the scheme
may invest substantially in money market instruments to protect the interest of
the investors in the scheme.
The portfolio is reviewed consistently on the basis of the macro-economic environment
and changes are made based on the data generated by our analytics and on the discretion
of the fund manager. The change in the portfolio involves both sale and purchase,
both partial and complete, of the existing stocks and purchase of new stocks, if
any. In lieu of the overarching risk-on / risk-off environment, the scheme performs
a strategic sector rotation in order to generate risk-adjusted returns. All investment
decisions are based on quant money managers’ investment framework – VLRT.
In the face of this uncertainty and complexity, we have found consistent success
by studying markets along four dimensions as opposed to limiting ourselves to any
one school of thought: Valuation Analytics, Liquidity Analytics, Risk Appetite Analytics,
and Timing.
Statutory Details: Sponsor: quant Capital Finance & Investments Private Limited
Investment Manager:quant Money Managers Limited. CIN: U74899MH1995PLC324387
For Further Details :-